
Behold, I make all things new;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19

The most beautiful things can be found in the most unexpected places - in this case, in a lonely plant box along a quiet street in Shibuya

Yokohama postcard from Alfred, received a day before I learned of our
 forthcoming trip to Japan. In the background is a souvenir I got from
a street artist in Kyoto two years ago
It was early March. 

Only a month prior, I received a postcard from a co-RA (research associate) from work who recently attended a conference in Japan. Nostalgic over my own first time presenting in a scientific conference two years ago in the same country, I posted a photo of the postcard on my social media with the caption, "I miss Japan".

And then a month later, my bags are all packed and I'm ready to go to the very place where my latest source of #postcardhappiness was sent from - Yokohama!

The first time I visited Japan was a really memorable experience, something which was just a thought in my mind for years and which became reality when I least expected it.

If you have been following my story, I have shared that after my trip to the US last year, I suffered from a hearing decline from my NF2. The stress of traveling and major events happening all at the same time proved to be a little too much for me. I did recover from it considerably, but the episode has left me doubtful of any prospects of air travel for either work or leisure anytime in the near future. But now once again God has demonstrated that he is a God of surprises and of impeccable timing.

And he who sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."
Also he said, "Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.

Revelation 21:5

Out of nothing he makes things come into being. We do have the raw data, but there was work to do. So the month-long preparation was both stressful and exciting. Labwork, paperwork, dealing with bureaucracy and whatnot. I was not traveling alone this time, unlike my most recent conference in DC. But we weren't traveling as a big group either, which was new. My friend Cherry, who is doing the PhD component of her MD-PhD program in our lab, was with me, along with my co-project RA Anton.

A point we kept checking during the weeks of preparation was the fact that we were due to be there mid-March, which was so near the highly-anticipated cherry blossom season in Japan.

Are we going to catch even a glimpse of the beautiful Japanese cherry blossoms?

And thus, the hashtag #cherryblossomsforcherry was born.

Yet God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; but even so, no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

It definitely was not winter anymore when we arrived, but it was also not quite springtime yet. A few odd trees and bushes were in early bloom, but most of them were just beginning to bud out, the delicate flowers barely hinting their future colors.

A cherry blossom tree in Yokohama teasing us with buds in its otherwise barren branches.

During our free day before the conference, we explored the harbor city and were teased by vibrant flowers blooming in plantboxes lining the city streets.

Conference days came and went, and we did learn a lot from the experience for sure. In the evenings we enjoyed seeing the sights that the city has to offer, and of course the food. I particularly delighted in matcha-flavored goodies of all sorts - I was in Matchaland, after all. Solomon continues the verse above in Ecclesiastes, saying:
"I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil - this is the gift of God."
And what a gift this trip was indeed.

And yet the question still lingers: Cherry blossoms, please?

Our last day in Yokohama was a cold and rainy Friday, and everything was cast in a gloomy grey light. The unaccommodating weather did not hinder us from trying our luck with cherry blossoms at the Sankeien Garden, a spacious Japanese style garden in southern Yokohama.

And, surprise surprise, the moment we stepped out of the bus, this amazing sight greeted us:

Cherry blossoms at last! A surprise greeting at the bus stop to Sankeien Garden.

The garden itself was beautiful, but we can only imagine how much prettier it would be during the peak of spring. One can only sigh at how the timing seems to be just a little bit off - perhaps if the trip was scheduled just one week later than it was, it would have been perfect? But then again that thought - yet God has made everything beautiful in its time. You have to trust that He knows what he is doing, even though we still cannot fathom it at the time.

Winter is barely over in Sankeien Garden.

From a souvenir shop after visiting Sankeien.
The statement, unfortunately, was not true.

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

We decided to spend our last couple days in Japan in the capital city of Tokyo. A good move, as it turned out to be.

Behold, I make all things new - do you not perceive it?  A stark contrast to the barren branches we saw in Yokohama.

Getting lost in the streets of Shibuya that morning proved to be not in vain because if not for that, Cherry and I wouldn't have spotted that random plant in full bloom in a quiet street we stumbled into, the photo of which you can see if you scroll right back to the top of this post.

Somewhat tired of the shopping districts and concrete jungle we've been seeing since we got to Japan, we decided to see its more traditional side by taking a tour of the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace.

And just like that, it was revealed to us that there is so much more to Japan in spring than just cherry blossoms.

It was springtime indeed, and we were delighted to see a wide assortment of flowers in bloom at the gardens. No words can capture their beauty, so allow me to just flood you with pictures.

In the afternoon, we decided to take one last shot in spotting the ever-elusive cherry blossom trees in bloom. Off to Chidorigafuchi we went, a moat located in the northwest of the Imperial Palace which is a famous spot for viewing cherry blossoms in Tokyo. The sun was going down, but our hopes were still up for this endeavor.

And behold, we were not disappointed.

#cherryblossomsforcherry achieved!

In reality though, this was just one odd lonely cherry blossom tree in the trail beside the moat and a few more at the other end of it; everything else were just as barren as the trees in Yokohama.

It was nevertheless a wonder to see and a sight to behold - a few cherry blossoms in the full force of spring even though it just wasn't quite their season yet. And a rarity like that for us to witness is certainly a gift.

It also made me ponder how you cannot force things to go your way, no matter how badly you want them to. Surely, spring will reach its peak. Certainly, the flowers will bloom and reveal the fullness of their beauty. We wouldn't be there to see it this time, but there is a season for everything.

I am, of course, deeply grateful to have spent this time in Japan with a good friend and a chill coworker (yeah, I said chill lol), and two other friends who took the time to see us while we were there. I do hope there will be a next time.

Lastly, speaking of hope, I just wanted to share that the anticipation we had in seeing sakura trees reminded me that we also should not forget to hold on tightly to the Hope that we say is ours. For now it may seem that the seasons come and go, but one day it will all pass away, and the fullness of the glory of God will be revealed to us.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.

Revelation 21:1-4

Keep blooming and stay blessed.

FOOTNOTE: If anyone noticed, I purposely did not include pictures of the other places I described here and also did not mention many other places we've been to that doesn't really relate to spring - for that is not the intended focus of this blog post. I will update this post with the link to the photo set when I get around to uploading them.


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